What on Earth? My videos stay at 200s on TikTok and get 1000’s of Views on YouTube Shorts

What is going on? I think the first 5 videos on my TikTok that didn’t do very well screwed up my account…just like that conspiracy theory. Which I don’t think is a conspiracy. I know people think it’s B.S. but go explain why my videos get so little views on TikTok and always stay in the 200’s view rand and on YouTube Shorts get 1000’s of views, some comments, and around 100 likes on the SAME EXACT videos???

Can’t say I’m producing bad content. I use the top trending sounds, keep videos short, engaging etc.

I have half a mind to start a new account so that I can get the first 5 right.

Anyone have any clues or advice?

submitted by /u/Magro18

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