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    What’s your Ad Copy split test process?

    Posted by qwertyiop1322 on April 29, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Hello PPC community, I’m doing a deep dive in Ad copy split test to optimize Google Ads Campaigns.

    I’m curious what is your process with current RSA?

    Do you pin anything, do you run multiple ads in a same ad group to test and what do you test?

    Also, do you turn off ad rotation « optimize best performing ads » in campaign settings.

    Thanks for your help ????

    qwertyiop1322 replied 12 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ryfing1021

    April 29, 2023 at 6:03 pm

    Why would would anyone turn off a feature that literally split test for you? I guess because it doesn’t show results?

  • Western_Cup4942

    April 29, 2023 at 7:04 pm

    There’s really no ad copy split testing anymore since that is RSA’s do. If you pin headline or description you are basically automatically guaranteed a “poor” ad strength. Some people care about that and other’s don’t.

    I still find pinning results in a better lead gen conversion rate and the CPC prices in my industry are no less even when Google says my ad strength is poor, landing page exp poor. Basically, in Google’s eyes, everything I do is poor but by doing it my way I get 2x the conversion rate so I don’t really care what Google “strength” indicators so. So yeah, go ahead a do 2 RSAs in an ad group and PIN the crap out of stuff. You’ll likely see better results. Again, it’s really all about doing the opposite of what Google suggests you do which is sad, but there is statistical significance to support it.

  • SpiffyPenguin

    April 29, 2023 at 11:30 pm

    I basically test 1 concept per ad (eg, “save money”, “convenience”, etc.) so I can compare which value probs work best. I pin the first headline and description lines so I have a rough idea of what always shows but still let Google have some leeway. I miss the data from old ad formats though.

  • Captcha_Bitch

    April 29, 2023 at 11:59 pm

    People don’t read search ad copy, they skim it, at best. Spend your time on more important optimizations.

  • TTFV

    April 30, 2023 at 1:08 pm

    For established accounts, we use ad variations to split test at scale. The big advantage is that you can make improvements across the entire account instead of in one ad group at a time. Plus, you have actual statistical data to review in your decision-making process… not just more impressions for one variant over the other.

    As for pinning, we pin headlines into logical groups. This article provides more details on that and why we do it:

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