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    Smart Bidding & Campaign Suggestions by Google: Accept or Deny?

    Posted by seohelper on April 21, 2020 at 7:17 am

    Hello Everyone,

    We all are getting various suggestions from Google end in our Google ads accounts. There are several places where the Google recommendation the smart bidding options.

    Recently, I have written one information post on LinkedIn to share my understanding on, Should we accept [Google ads smart bidding recommendation]( or not?

    Share your points of view for same?


    filippo_nasoni replied 4 years ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • mozppc

    April 21, 2020 at 7:29 am


  • filippo_nasoni

    April 21, 2020 at 7:39 am

    /RemindMe! 1day

  • Unbelievablemonk

    April 21, 2020 at 8:23 am

    I can’t really agree with your article…

    In general what I tell my clients is that smart bidding is more time efficient. If I bill them 150€ per hour of exec work from my team then it might be better to use smart bidding and reduce the time spent on the account by a part.

    Also smart bidding is not always worse in performance – in my experience especially smart shopping vastly outperforms manual shopping + display rm. By that I don’t mean it’s a 100%. It’s more like we try it with 20 clients and it increases performance for 5, doesn’t change performance for 10 and decreases performance for another 5. *BUT* this means that for the 10 where it is even it’s a productivity plus on our side since the shopping maintanance is slashed.

    My recommendation for anyone inclined to try smart shopping is always to just try it and stick with what works best.

    Whether you try it via experiments, replicating campaigns or simply swapping in settings has no statistically significant up or downside in our books.

    What I find important as well is to ask why is works or doesn’t. How clean is the data we transfer to Google Ads. How is our attribution influencing campaign statistics. Why does tCPA work incredibly well while tROAS is utter trash in this campaign and why is it the complete opposite in another.

    In my opinion smart bidding is great if it works since you save a lot of time and ressources and nothing really changes if it doesn’t work since you just return to where you were before. Therefore there is a net positive of trying it out.

  • RougeCrown

    April 21, 2020 at 9:50 am

    Deny with a passion.

    These things don’t do anything beside suggestion smart bidding to your account. if your spending is not being enough smart bidding will just do more harm than good.

  • TTFV

    April 21, 2020 at 11:30 am

    First, the badging updates have been placed on hold through the end of 2020. So you can relax about meeting the 70% requirements for now. However, it’s a good idea to have a plan for Q4-2020 to either comply or expect to lose your badge.

    Second, you cannot simply say recommendations are good or bad, it’s not black and white. Many recommendations make perfect sense while others don’t make any sense at all.

    This is why they are recommendations and not implemented automatically… god I hope that never happens!

    Among the recommendations that are borderline are suggestions for auto-bidding. We almost never implement a bidding change on a well-performing campaign without running an experiment first.

    In some cases, auto bidding works better, in some cases it doesn’t.

    And you have to use some judgement too. If you have 3 conversions a month and Google recommends max conversions bidding strategy it probably doesn’t make much sense, or at the very least won’t have any positive impact to implement it.

  • valcech

    April 21, 2020 at 12:25 pm

    U have to test it and see whats the best in ur case

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