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    Newbie Ask For Help and Guidance!

    Posted by seohelper on June 19, 2020 at 3:32 pm

    Hi there folks!

    I hope everyone feel healthy 🙂

    So, I have a question, guys. I want to expand my marketing strategy and start to use remarketing.

    I have a specific page, that I wanted to re-promote among visitors. However, my SEO strategy is built around low KD keywords, that have a low amount of requests each month…

    That means I have like ~120 visitors on this page per month. Yet, this is a highly-relevant leads. I install Google Ads pixel and Facebook pixel and now want to start a remarketing campaign to push them to contact me back.

    However, both platforms – Ads and FB – tell there is a too low amount of people to work with.

    So, the question is – what should I do? Should I try to start a campaign? Would it work?

    A few screens: [](

    razzledazzle308 replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • razzledazzle308

    June 19, 2020 at 5:25 pm

    You could start testing a lookalike audience in Facebook. The “source” audience needs to be at least 100 people.

    Also in Google, you could experiment with Custom Intent, Affinity, or other audiences to build up your site traffic. When you have enough site visitors, Google should give you the option to target “Similar To” site visitors.

    Hope this helps!

  • shatzera09

    June 19, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    Below are a few quick ideas on how you can advertise on Google Adwords audiences who have previously interacted with your account

    An important thing to note before getting started:

    **Remarketing lists** targeting the Google Display Network must have a minimum of 100 active visitors or users within the last 30 days for your ads to show; **lists** targeting Google search must have a minimum of 1,000 active visitors or users. **List** targeting on Gmail ads must have a minimum of 100 active users or visitors.

    Since you have such a small number of visitors it’s unlikely that you will be able to retarget these audiences with a high level of effectiveness on AdWords without outside data. To do this you should link your Adwords and Analytics accounts (see below). This will allow you to create Custom Audiences and download Engagement Packs. With these tools, you may have had enough traffic in the last 90 days to actually target and bid a PPC ad.

    There are two ways that I would approach this, one is from a **dynamic remarketing** perspective serving up banner ads to past product/service visitors. The other is through targeting and bidding (**PPC ad with “Target and Bid”**) on users who have previously interacted with your site and based on the keywords that you mentioned in your comment. It should be noted that it’s going to be important to set up an event tag with custom conversion value in order to truly understand the impact of your advertising efforts.

    Below are links to the aforementioned topics to help get you started

    Link Google Analytics and Google Adwords


    Target and Bid V.S. Observation

    Engagement Packs

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