Forums Forums White Hat SEO Link insertions

  • Link insertions

    Posted by ajet526 on February 10, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    Are link insertions worth it? Do they help with SEO or is it much better to do a true guest blog post?

    ajet526 replied 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • FreelancerSMM-SEO

    February 10, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    They are fine if the insertion is on a relevant and high quality site and are do-follow. But it’s better to guest post or at least balance both out.

  • rusicmarketinglab

    February 10, 2023 at 7:23 pm

    It really depends on the context relevancy of the site where you’re inserting it on in regards to your primary EAT topic.

    If you’re just spamming links into random blog comment sections or discussion forum pages that have absolutely nothing to do with the main information category of your site then it’s only going to hurt in the long run.

    A.) Most of these places are tagged as spam because they slowly but surely get exploited by other SEO’s, but even if you get lucky and are the first one to get there, that mid level authority score won’t help you if the crawlers eventually analyze that you didn’t say anything of value to add onto the page and that page has nothing to do with your content either.

    B.) If you focus on inserting your link and dropping your brand name within a cohesive text snippet that is attached to your inserted link then even if it’s designated as no-follow, the crawlers will still compound the information it reads over time and see that your brands context relevancy is legit because you’ve consistently contributed to sites that relate to your topic across the entire web and have provided high quality knowledge for the sake of contribution and not for some link that happens to have a “good” score within a single metric used to evaluate the links they crawl.

    Establishing your brand’s reputation as a pillar of importance within your main topic is much more important over time. Even if they’re no-follow links every time, eventually you’ll start to feature in legit guest blog posts that are actually followed by many in your sites’ respective field. Having your brand name just be mentioned across all the sites relating to your keywords is way more effective when the content is layered with an organic amount of no-follow and do-follow links.

    Unless the page you placed your link in is requesting crawlers not to access via robots.txt (which at the end of the day they can just ignore because you’re really just asking with a nice please instead of actually forbidding it), don’t assume that Google won’t see and analyze whatever it gets ahold of with its spiders because they not only see all but they analyze it all.

    Some numerical label that comes from a math formula calculating how many times they come across a link that permits them to follow it onto another page is just one of millions of measurements Google uses to determine what page should go where on their search results.

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