Forums Forums White Hat SEO PPC It makes sense to reduce budget (weekends, holidays, etc) on campaigns with tROAS or tCPA?

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    It makes sense to reduce budget (weekends, holidays, etc) on campaigns with tROAS or tCPA?

    Posted by atticlights on December 6, 2023 at 10:50 am

    For my experience, in days with less demand, the campaigns naturally spend less.

    Or do you think Google will try to spend the budget anyway, and the CPA will increase?

    atticlights replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Codingpreneur

    December 6, 2023 at 11:28 am

    No, stop fiddling with the budget settings. You’ll only make the result worse.

  • fathom53

    December 6, 2023 at 11:29 am

    Looking at things day to day can make people make the wrong call. Google could spend the money on days you don’t get conversions but those people could also be in the research phase and looking for options. We change budget if:

    * Budget changes from a client, could be higher or lower budgets
    * Running to hot and need to pull back on ad spend

    Wouldn’t just reduce budget if weekends are not as good as weekdays. Plus just looking at a day does not always take into account delayed attributions for brands, which can be weeks away form being fully taken into account.

  • samuraiaullways

    December 6, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    I generally agree with the top comment’s notion that you should stop fiddling with budgets & targets. When we are running our evergreen program, we try to make as few adjustments as possible to those specific items, budgets & targets.

    That said, you can still make adjustments to your ad schedule and leverage seasonality adjustments without sending your stuff back into learning all the time. Ad schedule changes will likely send you into some learning if the changes are dramatic, but if you’re using a large data set spanning a large window of time to make those decisions, you should still be making an overall improvement.

    For me, the reasons to adjust ad schedule need to be rooted in how the business functions vs regular performance fluctuations across day of week / time of day. IE, if you have stores that are completely closed on the weekends and your customers expect a short fulfillment cycle (get it today, tomorrow, etc) it might not be a good use of money on those days. But again, depends on the business, how long your purchase / decision process is for customers, etc.

  • eric-louis

    December 6, 2023 at 5:28 pm

    Aim for hitting your ROAS or CPA goal, volume will be different but you should still have the same efficiency goal on a slower day or a busier day.

    Same for locations. 1 ROAS or CPA goal. Volume for New York will probably be different Wyoming but still aim for the same goal.

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