Forums Forums White Hat SEO Impact of Ad-Blockers

  • Impact of Ad-Blockers

    Posted by dbhalla4 on December 5, 2023 at 3:55 pm

    Has anyone tested pop-up to disable ad-blockers? If an ad-blocker is detected, a pop-up appears, asking the user to disable their ad-blocker. Has anyone conducted tests to assess the impact of such pop-ups on ad earnings or traffic? Specifically, has anyone checked the effects of not allowing users to close the pop-up and forcing them to turn off their ad-blocker?

    ‘Acceptable ads’ exist as an alternative in case of ad-blockers, but they do not work for many ad-blockers. Also these ads have significantly lower RPM than usual ones.

    dbhalla4 replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ricketybang

    December 5, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    If someone installed an ad blocker because they are tired of ads, cookie popups, newsletter popups, and other annoying things, what do you think will happen if you show them a popup?

    Most of them will most likely go back to Google instantly (which sends bad signals when people leave your site super fast…).

    I always avoid trying to get people that don’t like ads to see my ads. Not worth the time and energy at all.

  • Ayesha24601

    December 5, 2023 at 6:50 pm

    Just don’t.

    1. Many ad blockers block the anti-ad blocker popups too. Yay for uBlock Origin! — they stop most of them.
    2. As an ad blocker user, if faced with such a popup, I bounce 90% of the time and look at other results. If I really need to read the article, I’ll bounce, reopen in an incognito window (where extensions don’t load), read it with ads, and then bounce.
    3. If forced to view ads, I never stick around to read more articles — often because the ads are extremely intrusive with videos in the corner or popping down from the top and blocking most of my viewing area. I find that most ads categorized as “acceptable” are still intrusive, so I block all ads.
    4. Mandatory registration popups are also terrible. Don’t use those either.

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