Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media I spent 3 days reading 30+ Marketing Reports, Case-Studies and Here’s What I learned About TikTok, UGC and Social Media! -2

  • I spent 3 days reading 30+ Marketing Reports, Case-Studies and Here’s What I learned About TikTok, UGC and Social Media! -2

    Posted by lazymentors on October 15, 2022 at 2:21 pm

    #Tiktok Audience Insights

    1. 37% of Tiktok users are in the top third of spenders, which means they are 61% more likely than other platforms users to be the top spenders.
    2. Tiktok Audience is 48% more likely to discover new brands and products through Creators and celebrities.
    3. 25% Users discover Brands through Creators and 18% through Hashtags and trending topics.
    4. Nearly 57% users do online research after seeing a product on Tiktok to find more information.

    #Instagram’s Home Page Algorithm Explained

    * For Explore Feed: The platform calculates how much real-time engagement you got on your post based on your follower count. Then, Instagram takes that post to target users with your content. They choose users based on their recent search queries on explore page. Then, they pass the post through sensitivity control which is a 24×7 operating algorithm.

    Even when your post is doing well on explore. Algorithm is constantly passing your content through various filters making sure how long your post is eligible is to rank on Instagram.

    * For Home Feed: This is the Official Statement of IG: “The Home Feed Ranking System ranks the posts from the sources you follow based on factors like engagement, relevance, and freshness.”

    The platform completely states that how you discovered an individual user and followed them matters. Based on those things, their content shows up on your home feed.

    That’s the reason when someone follows you without interacting with your posts. You have a lower chances of showing up on their home page.

    #LinkedIn Analysed 28.3 Emails and Here’s what They found!

    1. Cold Emails that are shorter get more reply than long emails. Emails with 25-50 words get 65% more reply than emails longer than 125 words.
    2. Your email writing tone makes a huge difference to get more responses and better conversions. Complex tone is too common the report states and you should keep it simple.
    3. Don’t use hedge words like “typically, could, seem, etc. these words create a sense of doubt in emails.
    4. Keep Asking Questions to get the conversations going after you get first response.

    #Tiktok’s UGC Report On Creators & Brands

    1. 43% of Users believe that “advertising” on Tiktok blends well with content.
    2. The Ideal length for Tiktok Ads is between 21- 34 seconds resulting in 280% lift in conversions.
    3. The Ads with Creators achieved a 91% increase in 6s view-through-rate and showed 83% more engagement.
    4. 38% of Tiktok Users buy something recommended by Creators.
    5. The leading Tiktok Ad format is Spark Ads which gives 43% higher conversion rate and 30% higher completion rate against standard in-feed Ads.
    6. Brand Partnership that work with Creators through TikTok’s creator marketplace do better than other campaigns.

    #The State of Sales 2022 Report (LinkedIn)

    1. 86% of Sellers say that they have had deals lost due to a key stakeholder leaving a client. (US)
    2. 45% sellers says incomplete data is their biggest problem right now. (US)
    3. Only 21% of buyers prefer cold calls as an outreach method. (US)
    4. 49% of salespeople say their company added new sales tech for better solutions. (UK)
    5. 65% of the customers believe Remote working has made the buying process easier. (Germany)

    #Noteable Insights about Websites

    1. 39% of Consumers will stop engaging if content images will not load on website.
    2. A site that takes 6 seconds to load will have 50% loss in conversions.
    3. Most Consumers want to read “About Us” page before making a purchase.
    4. 46% of consumers leave a website due to lack of business messaging and unable to understand what the business actually does.
    5. 50% of sales every year are lost due to consumers unable to find the right content for the product.

    #Tiktok Removed 1% of All Videos in 2022 due to Content and Ad Policy Violations.

    The recent Transparency report 2022 by Tiktok states they also removed more than 60M Tiktok Accounts that were either fake or violated their content policies. At last, Tiktok received 90B in fake engagement this year.

    #Number of Hashtags You Use on Instagram Don’t matter

    Social Insider analysed 73 million Instagram posts to find how hashtags work and here’s what they found:

    The Report shows posts using 3-4 hashtags gets the most amount of engagement while the posts using 20-30 hashtags get the least amount of engagement. Now, the difference between engagement while using 20 vs 4 hashtags is only 0.7%.

    It’s a small difference, that’s why you shouldn’t obsess over number of hashtags and use the ones that fit your profile and posts.

    #A New Report on Google Analytics 4

    1. 34% of Google Analytics still don’t know about it.
    2. More than 25% have already upgraded to GA4.
    3. The Most exciting features for GA4 users are 42% (event tracking), 39%(funnel mapping) and 41% (new conversion tracking).
    4. 31% of Service providers have Setup GA4 for clients.

    #Discussion Points

    1. What do you think about Google analytics 4?
    2. Do you think UGC Content is helpful in Social Proof and conversion growth?
    3. What’s the best cold email approach?
    4. Which one of these Reports effect Your Business?

    **You can subscribe through link in my bio to receive 15 New Marketing Updates and 5 Free Marketing Reports launched this week. I track marketing reports and updates and send it for free.**

    lazymentors replied 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • thislittlepiggyatl

    October 15, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    I absolutely enjoy reading your content. Even though I have to go through it a couple times lol. It’s very in-depth and understanding the way these algorithms works is incredibly useful. Thank you.

  • ZeeSaysGo

    October 16, 2022 at 12:44 am

    I’m going to take a stab at Q #3: best approach to cold emails.

    I hate email marketing. I begrudgingly do it. Perhaps because I myself rarely open the ones in my inbox, and I dislike spending time on it. But a few key things I make sure I do:

    – understand customer journey, and funnel
    – have a clear target audience and tone
    – have a clear CTA
    – use an image
    – spend more time on subject heading than on email body
    – have a clear sending schedule
    – write really clear creative briefs
    – delegate creative content creation out
    – set up automated emails

    Would love to hear other peoples’ approaches!

  • jwlls

    October 16, 2022 at 1:28 am

    Thank you for this!

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