Forums Forums White Hat SEO PPC I need to setup a campaign with 30+ campaign within it in April. What are some useful tips or setup best practices I a noob should know?

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    I need to setup a campaign with 30+ campaign within it in April. What are some useful tips or setup best practices I a noob should know?

    Posted by QuietMrFx977 on March 22, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    I inherited a large 32 campaign, campaign with multiple ad groups and RSA ads within it. I’m not a PPC person, therefore is there best practices I can use to ensure reporting goes well, campaigns are named well and above all, budgeting is good? I’ve seen labels?? I am planning to setup rules for budgeting but it feels there there is a lot more. Any advice?

    QuietMrFx977 replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • OddProjectsCo

    March 22, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Generally once you are outside of 3-4 campaigns, Google Ads editor is going to be way easier to make bulk updates and changes. So get familiar with that.

    With accounts that have more campaigns in them:

    – Consistently label (i.e. branded, non-branded, competitor, etc.)
    – Ad groups should also have consistency (often match type, intent, etc.)
    – There’s arguments for and against shared budgets. Learn the benefits and drawbacks and pick the one that’s right for your account.
    – I personally use labels for easy filtering for quick reads and reporting. I like naming structures of campaign / ad group for filtering for datastudio reports, but labels are more “let me pop in and check on [x]”
    – If you use labels, use them for the business goal and how you will actually filter by. Some clients will tier their organization into regions. Others will split campaigns by vendor, but still have some tiering (i.e. Lexus, Jaguar, Range Rover are all separate campaigns but are ‘luxury’ vs. Honda, Toyota, and Ford which are separate but are ‘standard’). You might have the naming structure be car_luxury_lexus, car_luxury_jaguar, etc. but label them ‘Luxury’. Then you can filter by label or campaign name.
    – Consistency is more important than ever as campaigns iterate. It’s easy to make mistakes on set-up; particularly in settings like geos. Google Ads editor is your friend here for checking for consistency.
    – Think through your reporting and where you will need to pull levers for budget control / performance, then structure the campaigns that way. It’s usually easier to do that vs. trying to hamfist it after the fact.

  • Vivid-Calligrapher57

    March 22, 2023 at 7:57 pm

    I agree with the main tip OddProjects gave you: use Google Ads editor. If you are not a PPC person, it may not be as easy to use, but you should take your time to learn it, it will save you a lot of time in the future.

    Also I prefer using 1-5 keywords per ad group, so I can make ads really relevant.


    I could probably give you a few more advices, but I would need more info to do so. If you want some help, contact me in private (It’s free, don’t worry)

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