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    I had an interview, but they said I can’t work on my own client on the side

    Posted by Legitimate_Ad785 on April 12, 2023 at 4:41 am

    So yesterday I had an interview for a Google Ads specialist, during the interview, I told them I’m currently working on 2 accounts. After I said that, they said that will be an issue, that once you are hired here, you can’t have your own accounts.

    Is this a legit request?

    If I can work on my own accounts during the weekend and after work, how is it affecting them? I originally said I will get rid of the accounts, but now that I’m thinking, it doesn’t make sense if I do.

    Legitimate_Ad785 replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • kyledanna

    April 12, 2023 at 5:03 am

    i guess it depends what category they’re in and if you’re working on something that directly competes with them or it would be easy to work on something that directly competes

    is this an ecommerce or lead generation type company?

  • dilarez

    April 12, 2023 at 5:15 am

    Don’t drop your own accounts/clients for an agency job. What if the agency goes under, who will be the first one to let go? The new guy of course, and you don’t even if you gonna be a good fit there, yet. Just don’t work on your account on agency time, to avoid trouble. What you do with your free time shouldn’t be a concern to them.

  • polygraph-net

    April 12, 2023 at 5:39 am

    It’s normal for companies to require you have no other paid employment. I believe most employment contracts I’ve signed have included this.

    I’m not sure this requirement has ever stopped anyone having side gigs though…

  • chief_yETI

    April 12, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I dont think you need us to tell you that you can just accept the job, and keep your clients without telling them lol

    that’s assuming you even accept this job, because the request on its own is already a red flag

  • andy_okay

    April 12, 2023 at 7:18 am

    Some agencies will have this, some not. Just choose one that allow it if you need it to be so.

    A reason why some have it:
    1. You have two clients that you work with on the side, that you love. Both in bicycles-nische.
    2. Your agency retains a new HUGE client that sells bicycles, that you HATE the founder of.
    You could use in theory use his huge data to help your beloved clients. And the founder you hate would possible sell less bicycles by you doing so.

    Totally made up, just an example on why some have this when the “side hustle” is so close related. You could basically be seen as a possible competitor.

  • MarcoRod

    April 12, 2023 at 7:29 am

    That is pretty normal. As an agency owner I wouldn’t like that either, to be honest. The thing is that I know for a fact (and that is just objective), that you’d care more about your own clients who pay you directly, than mine.

    Virtually all industries state in working contracts that you can’t do something “on the side” in the same industry. Sure, if you paint houses or code websites or drive Uber no one really cares. But if you do the **same** thing that you do at work for yourself on the side, it gets a bit problematic.

    I guess it comes down to how much you earn by yourself vs. with the agency and how much stability you have right now. Good luck!

  • Timwork_PPC

    April 12, 2023 at 8:42 am

    Red flag.

  • NHRADeuce

    April 12, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Not unusual at all. Last.corporate job allowed side work, but it had to be approved. If you accept the job and keep the side gig, they’ll fire you when they find out. You don’t have to accept their rules, but they don’t have to continue employing you.

  • TTFV

    April 12, 2023 at 11:13 am

    Having clients on the side can create a conflict of interest and/or negatively affect your work and is a legitimate concern.

    Maybe those two clients only take up a few hours a week. But what if you decide to take on 10 and you’re now working a total of 70 hours a week between your day job and side gig? Are you still giving your best to your agency?

    Also, what happens when one of your clients wants to speak with you for an hour at 2 pm on a Tuesday?

    Some agencies are fine with this and expect you to use good judgement. I’m in that camp but it’s not unreasonable to not want employees doing this.

  • sparkythyme

    April 12, 2023 at 12:41 pm

    I’ve dealt with this, you just tell them you drop the accounts but keep them and don’t let it interfere with your job , what they don’t know won’t hurt then

  • fathom53

    April 12, 2023 at 1:40 pm

    The question is, why are you looking for an agency role if you have your own clients?

    If the experience at this agency is something you won’t get working on your own and for yourself. It might be worth it in the long run. A job can ask you anything you want, doesn’t mean you have to take the job.

  • No_Form7778

    April 12, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    Which state do u live in? Some companies care and some don’t, some marketing agencies care only bc of moonlighting and they’re probably paranoid u would take ur clients and do side work for them.

    I would highly advise u keep interviewing unless u want this gig. BUT if u want this gig i would NOT lie and say u no longer have ur side gigs when u do bc a huge lawsuit could come from this.

  • Positive_Extension90

    April 12, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    We all know you are gonna look at the other accounts at some time during work. Once you are in remote you can basically do whatever you want.

  • Shymink

    April 12, 2023 at 7:20 pm

    Don’t take the job. I manage an agency we have some full-time staff and a lot of contractors. Idgaf what they do in their spare time or who they work for.

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