Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media How to give a social media manager access to my Tiktok account without giving out my username and password?

  • How to give a social media manager access to my Tiktok account without giving out my username and password?

    Posted by MusicalMaiden123 on May 5, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    I have a small business and am hiring someone to manage my tiktok account, mainly to post and film content. However I’m not finding a straight answer on how exactly to do this. Can anyone share? Thank you.

    MusicalMaiden123 replied 12 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Zhjacko

    May 5, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    I really can’t see any way around this to be honest. If anything it might be best to create a new email for the account and not include your phone number on the account at the very least. I also wouldn’t go with just any random person who calls themselves a “social media manager”, I think that would be a bad idea. I’m sure there’s ways to reach out to social media managers to find out how they go about the process.

  • doesscoobydoo

    May 5, 2023 at 4:10 pm

    In my experience as a SMM, there’s no good workaround for organic posts. For ads, you can add them to your ad account like meta but that’s only for business accounts. Our clients share their login details and trust that we’re respectful and honest.

    You can pay for a scheduling tool, but you lose out on the key aspect (sounds) if you do it that way.

  • snackingmpls

    May 5, 2023 at 4:29 pm

    If all you want them to do is post and interact with those who engage with your account, then you could use a third party app like Sprout Social.

    It would be better for growing your account for them to have full access by logging in though, because that way they can engage with others outside your profile. It is honestly very frustrating as a social media manager to not have full access, because all sorts of hiccups can come up. Definitely hire someone you can trust and obviously set the PW to something unique for the account.

  • li_na

    May 5, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    You can also share access to the account with password managers, such as 1Password. So the person will be able to log in with 1password pre-filling the username & password fields and log in to the native UI, but these will be hidden from their view. Which will be quite safe, when, let’s say, you two decide to stop working together, and you won’t be in the rush of trying to update every single account’s password every time a new person comes/leaves.

  • daviswbaer

    May 5, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    I am the co-founder of a social media scheduler called OneUp, and it supports direct posting to TikTok (in addition to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Business Profiles).

    In OneUp, you can connect your TikTok account, and then add someone as a team member, and that way they’d be able to schedule and post directly to your TikTok account.

  • its_umar_khann

    May 9, 2023 at 7:27 am

    You can use SocialBu which is a social media management tool. You can invite your team member to manage your TikTok account and give them very specific access like post creation and scheduling/posting without sharing your credentials with them.

    I am one of the co-founders of this tool.

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