Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media How to calculate the estimated reach of an influencer?

  • AndrewHendrix

    June 18, 2023 at 4:57 pm

    Hey there social media strategist here, there are some paid tools that help you calculate something like that, though I’d be careful with that. Not all of them, but a lot of so called influencers buy super cheap traffic to boost their reach and charge more for sponsors… my suggestion is to first look at the engagement rate… if it’s between 3-8% it’s probably all organic nothing to worry about, but anything lower than that and you may have a situation like that. Best bet is to ask to see the analytics when you approach them, most of them have a social media kit ready to go… but again pay attention to the engagement rate, I’ve seen it most commonly in the beauty and tech industry but it could happen in anything… If you need any more help, feel free to shoot me a dm!

  • frenchiegiggles

    June 18, 2023 at 11:16 pm

    They can’t fake conversion reports. Ask for their Amazon, LTK, or past campaign metrics.

  • hurryupandbuyplease

    June 18, 2023 at 11:28 pm

    Social blade is one free way of viewing certain metrics but it’s fairly limited. curious to hear what other options are out there, free or paid. thx for posing the question OP

  • master_mom

    June 19, 2023 at 12:08 am

    Estimated reach is so hard to calculate because it’s completely up to the algorithm. I tend to post a lot of content that goes viral (million+ views), but occasionally even my typical content will be a flop. Sponsored content (marked as a paid partnership) tends to get much less reach, in my opinion—And grows slowly, over the span of a week or so. I’ve never put money behind any of my sponsored posts, but I assume that smaller or medium sized influencers who get massive reach on a sponsored post either aren’t fully disclosing it as an ad OR they (or the brand) have put some ad money behind it.

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