Forums Forums White Hat SEO How can I get more traffic to my mental health blog? Fresh site!

  • How can I get more traffic to my mental health blog? Fresh site!

    Posted by DrVilash13 on August 23, 2023 at 8:20 am

    How can I get more traffic to my mental health blog? Are there blog directories that are specifically for mental health? Im a child/adult psychiatrist, I wanted the information readily available for my potential patients or current patients. There are approximately 150 articles about mental health, which I did and reviewed all of them in 1 months. I realized that Psychiatric Times and Medscape just paraphrasize research and they make millions through paid ads. Its weird on a feed spot how many companies create the same content.

    DrVilash13 replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • grs-seethrough

    August 23, 2023 at 8:48 am

    Here are some blog directories that are specifically for mental health:
    Bloglovin’: This directory has over 100 million users and allows you to submit your blog for free.
    Healthline: This directory is owned by WebMD and has over 10 million monthly visitors.
    Psychology Today: This directory is a popular resource for mental health professionals and has over 1 million monthly visitors.
    Psychology Today website
    The Mighty: This directory is a community-based platform for people with mental health conditions. This directory is a collection of mental health blogs from around the world.
    I hope these tips help you get more traffic to your mental health blog. I also think it’s great that you’re creating this resource for your patients and potential patients. Mental health is an important topic and it’s important to have accurate and reliable information available.

  • 1buildnfuture

    August 23, 2023 at 10:02 am

    awesome- thanks

  • narufy

    August 23, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    Since you’re a licensed individual, you’ve already won half the race. Google’s EAT gives preference to individuals with a license when it comes to health & medical blogs. Other than this, you need to focus on writing quality content that’s also optimized for web. I would suggest learning some basic SEO like meta titles, article structure and featured snippets.

    Do note that it’ll take time for you to rank and gather a bunch of traffic because of how technically competitive the niche is. I say technically because there a lot of websites with meh-ish content but high trust and authority. And Google will take time in alloting trust and authority in the medical niche. But be patient because there really is a lot of money in this niche.

    As for any specific advice, would you mind sharing your website? You can DM if you don’t want to share it publically.

    I recently got into freelancing as an SEO analyst and copywriter. Would appreciate if we can help each other out in any way.

  • Silver-Space1430

    August 23, 2023 at 6:22 pm

    You’re onto something great with making mental health content more accessible. Instagram is an absolute gem when it comes to reaching diverse groups. You could use your expertise to host Live Q&A sessions or even simple “Did you know?” mental health facts, backed up with a swipe-up link to your blog. Tools like Ascend Viral can give you insights into boosting your presence on IG without making it feel too “salesy”. It’s an organic way to drive traffic to your blog.

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