Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media Guys I’m panicking is it how you boost an organic post?

  • Guys I’m panicking is it how you boost an organic post?

    Posted by selma2095 on April 26, 2023 at 8:25 pm

    Hi everyone, so I have to boost an organic post on Facebook and Instagram. I always thought that to do so, you had to create a new campaign on Ads manager and select “use existing post” on the ad set up.

    But I’m confused, is it how you do it? I feel like it is not and I should have boosted the post on the Business Suite. There are not much results on my organic post (not a lot of likes etc.) besides it having engagement on Meta Ads manager so I’m confused.

    selma2095 replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • FatChitch

    April 27, 2023 at 12:02 am

    Hi, you’re absolutely on the right track.

    You always want to use the “Meta Ads Manager” to create your campaigns and set up your ads, compared to simply “boosting” the post on Facebook or Instagram.

    You are able to provide much more info for Meta when creating an ad in the Ads Manager. In return, Meta gives you much more data to analyze.

    Financially, it’s also substantially more effective to create an ad in ad manager. There is a far greater chance of you receiving a positive return on investment when you create an ad in ad manager (due to the fact that you’re able to tailor the ad specifically to your base, in the exact way you want it to be tailored to them).

    For example, the other day I was running an experiment and boosted a reel in app on Instagram. By the time the trial was over, I received about 70 profile clicks for a CPC (cost per click) of 50 cents.

    I ran the exact same reel in a campaign created through Ads Manager, and my CPC is currently 22 cents (and continuing to lower). More than double the value.

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