Forums Forums White Hat SEO Adding blog. Should I post 6-12 posts initially to have some content or upload them 1/week?

  • junglegut

    December 25, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    Either one is ok, but i like to get as much content up as fast as possible since it lets it “age” more. And then it’s easier to interlink everything nicely too

  • D20NE

    December 25, 2022 at 2:09 pm

    I’d argue it’s not so much about the frequency of your content but rather the quality. High value content is what you should really be aiming for IMO.

  • SEOPub

    December 25, 2022 at 3:34 pm

    Post everything at once. There is zero benefit to posting once a week.

  • the-weird-dude

    December 25, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    H’bout 6 posts in one day and save others for a rainy day.

  • jacktheconqueror

    December 25, 2022 at 4:47 pm

    I got some fast results posting three per week for three months. I planned out all of it in advance: all the blogs were in topic clusters with the interlinking mapped out.

    So, as I posted a blog, I linked it to others in the cluster, then went back and linked older ones to new ones in that cluster per my original plan.

    I also had a “resources ” page with an h2 for each cluster and the links to those blogs listed under it. I did it manually, but I’m sure there’s a way to automate that w categories and/or tags.

    Each boog also had internal links leading to middle- and bottom-of funnel pages, with the laptops link being a money page.

    That way, anyone getting that far into the blog could jump to articles with more information about the service and cost, then a page where they could make an appointment.

    There’s an argument for all at once for aging. But, I found a regular stream was more Google-friendly than a one-time dump. It shows consistent updating.

    Also, you can submit each URL for indexing on GSC once it’s live.

  • Black_Hat786

    December 25, 2022 at 6:48 pm

    It really depends on your goals and resources. If you want to establish your blog quickly and attract a larger audience from the start, it may be beneficial to publish 6-12 posts initially. This will give visitors a sense of the range and depth of content on your blog and encourage them to come back for more.
    On the other hand, if you prefer a more sustained approach and have the time and resources to consistently produce new content, publishing one post per week may be a better strategy. This can help you build a loyal following over time and provide a steady stream of new content for your readers.


    and yes it is a myth to post regularly if your keyword research is good then its good to go

  • heman1320

    December 25, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    Post all at once, then you can build links faster. Then you can get traffic faster.

  • dreamwalker3334

    December 25, 2022 at 8:48 pm

    It’s better if you have some content but any content won’t do.

    There are skliiset(s) in this business, one of the most important skillsets is your game plan when creating a new site.

    You have to do extensive keyword research & go for keywords with a KD (keyword difficulty) of 1-10.

    1-5 KD is even better though.

    It’s like the tree falling in the forest, if nobody heard it, did it ever make a sound? If you write content that nobody ever see’s or reads, did you ever actually write it.

    You can’t just write content. You have to have a strategic plan, you need to write for the intent of the keyword too, whatever that is.

    Everything begins & ends with keyword research, meaning if you don’t do this properly, you’ve already decided whether or not you will succeed/fail at blogging (that site)

    One reason that you go for low difficulty is because it actually gives a new blog an opportunity to rank first page, while possibly earning you backlinks and site authority, simply because you rank first page of SERP’s.

    If you provide value to your user/prospect and you rank high, there is a good chance that this could earn you backlinks, allowing you to go for more difficult keywords down the line.

    Basically, you want to give yourself a legitimate chance to rank of the first page of search results.

    This is where traffic comes from, I’m always answering question of ppl about how do I get more traffic??

    This is how, this is the only legitimate way that isn’t short lived, I mean you can buy PPC ads to drive traffic but this is always copy or it should be.

    Another bit of advice is if I approached you as you were writing your first article/post and asked you, “what will your 9th post be about”?

    You should be able to tell me, you should have a site hierarchy (categories>breadcrumbs) and you should know what you’re going for, if not the actual keyword ready to go, it’s only because you’re still looking for one that meets these requirements.

    Should know what you’re looking for though

    I’m currently creating a new site in which I posted the first article yesterday, it’s pretty much about this, I’m currently about a thousand words into my 2nd article.

    It’s a site where I’m going to teach ppl blogging/affiliate marketing,

    Some ppl would say “isn’t that too saturated”?

    Not when you find an entry point into that niche that everyone else doesn’t use. Ppl don’t fail because they they enter a crowded niche, it’s cause they enter that niche at the same point of entry as all the others doomed to fail.

    Entering at the same point as everyone else, doomed for failure and not following this basic method of blogging is why they fail.

    If you sell hotdogs, you’re not gonna park your cart in-between 8 other car in a 2.5 block radius, right?

    Keyword research and all research, it should be the most time consuming aspect of your website.

    What’s important is you learn this now because you can go back and change how you do things, but it’s so much better to do it correctly from the beginning.

    It’s not always certain that you will succeed the same later as if you did things “the right way” from the beginning.

    Good luck

  • lemenrile

    December 26, 2022 at 1:07 am

    Upload 1 per day. After that, 1 per week.

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