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    40000 Impressions and No Sales

    Posted by seohelper on August 10, 2021 at 1:06 am

    I’ve been reading on the ppc subreddit and most of the posts suggest always using conversion objectives for the ads. We’ve been running these ads for a solid week and a half and we received 40k impressions. These have led to 80 clicks to the website however we have yet to receive a sale. All of these impressions have came from a broad range TOF (conversion) campaigns.

    We’re beginners in this market but we’re in the ecommerce industry. I feel like we’re going about the conversions really wrong. Would it be wise to spend some money on solely traffic?

    We’re on a tight budget so we need to spend our money wisely.

    fathom53 replied 2 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Blanketsburg

    August 10, 2021 at 1:16 am

    You’ve gotta be more specific on what you’re doing. Is this Google, Facebook, another platform? Based on the “conversion objective” statement, seems like it would be Facebook.

    If you have a limited budget, why are you focused on TOF conversions and not BOF conversions?

    What is your targeting? Do you have data on your ICP, and does your campaign’s targeting/keywords align with that?

  • pinkelephantO

    August 10, 2021 at 6:48 am

    40k impresions and 80clicks?! Your creative can be well…improved (to be delicate). A decent CTR should be at least 1-2%.

    From those who land on your page expect a 2% conversion rate.

    Also: tighten your audience according to the budget you have.

    You are giving facebook 20$ for gas and you are expecting the algorithm to crawl an entire city searching for buyers.
    It would be helpful to tell facebook:go and sell my stuff to schools or senior centers .

  • fathom53

    August 10, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    80 clicks isn’t a lot and you could easily get another 80 clicks and get tons of sales… it’s not a large enough sample size.

    We are seeing interest targeting work well for a lot of clients. We make sure the creative matches the interest. Maybe your creative and or ad copy is the issue because at 40K impressions, I would expect a lot more clicks.

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