Forums Forums White Hat SEO What’s it take to rank at the top? Reply To: What’s it take to rank at the top?

  • propelguru01

    October 14, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    SEO is a slow-moving process where you build links, optimize sites technically, add quality content, increase domain authority and many more. You can follow the below process to do it the right way:

    > SEO auditing: Before starting with SEO you should be aware of what is wrong and what can be made better. So in auditing find out how many backlinks are there, if your site is mobile-friendly, what’s the site opening speed etc.

    > Action plan: Use analysis of the SEO audit report to figure out what activities are required to perform the SEO.

    > Technical SEO: You should also make sure that your website can run smoothly on whatever platform you are using because if the interface is not working properly or isn’t user friendly then other actions may not be effective.

    > Keyword analysis: You also need to understand what your target audience is searching for while looking for your services.

    Further, determine the goals you are hoping to achieve with a proper timeline. For example, if you want to be on the top of search engine ranking, then how many keywords you are hoping to rank on in a month. After that identify which keywords are they, cause the most used keywords are also the ones with more competition so it may take some time to rank on quality keywords.