SEO Jobs in Chandler, AZ (2024 Case Study)

Recently, we looked at SEO jobs in Chandler, AZ, to better understand the market in the area.

Here’s what we found out:

Key Takeaways

  • The average salary for an SEO specialist is $55,466.
  • The ideal candidate has a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • SEO, social media marketing, and keyword research are the top 3 demanded skills.

The Average Annual Salary for SEO Jobs in Chandler is $55,466

During our salary search, we analyzed over 100 job descriptions in Chandler, AZ, and the surrounding areas such as Scottsdale, AZ, Phoenix, AZ, and Tempe, AZ.

On average, we found that SEO jobs in Chandler, AZ, pay $55,466. Based on our larger SEO salary search, where we analyzed 100 locations and their SEO job types, we found that Chandler, AZ, pays 13.4% less than the market average of $64,032.

Despite the average salary being much lower than other locations we researched, some job descriptions offer salaries between $85k and $100k.

Chandler, AZ, has 43% More SEO Job Opportunities

Compared to the other locations we researched around the United States, Chandler, AZ, had 43% more SEO job opportunities.

These jobs were split into two categories: part-time and full-time:

The jobs come from top companies, such as SALT Dental Partners, Sol Nutrition, Arizona State University, MST Solutions, CMs Equity, and various SEO agencies.

Out of these digital marketer jobs, most (70.8%) were on-site. However, you also have many remote and hybrid work opportunities.

66% of SEO Jobs in Chandler, AZ, Require Mid-Level Experience

The experience level required by these jobs was mostly mid-level. However, there’s a good amount of entry-level jobs as well. For senior-level roles, though, there’s a limited amount.

92% of All SEO jobs in Chandler, AZ, Require a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

Mostly, all jobs needed a bachelor’s degree or higher (like a master’s degree).

For those with an associate degree or lower (like a high school degree), there are very few opportunities.

Top 5 SEO Skills in Demand in Chandler, AZ

When looking at SEO specialist salaries in Chandler, AZ, we found the following are the most demanded skills in the area.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Understanding of the best practices for SEO growth to drive traffic through organic search and knowledge of Google Analytics.
  2. Social Media Marketing: Using social media as part of a larger SEO strategy to boost search rankings, organic traffic and online presence.
  3. Keyword Research: Performing research to identify relevant keywords to fulfill a particular goal. For instance, lead generation or boosting search result rankings.
  4. Marketing Automation: Deploying automation in an SEO strategy, such as email marketing or tools to manage digital marketing campaigns.
  5. Performance Marketing: A strong background in approaching SEO services with a data-driven approach, performing A/B testing, CRO, and more.

During our research, there were also less-demanded skills, such as website content creation, graphic design, customer service, and a general understanding of digital marketing strategies.


If you’re a digital marketing specialist looking for SEO job opportunities in Chandler, AZ, we think it’s a good location.

Though it has a below-average SEO job salary, there are a lot of opportunities for all experience types, from entry-level to senior-level roles.

One last note: if this seems overwhelming, you should consider getting an SEO career mentor or learning an SEO training curriculum like Gotch SEO Academy.

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