Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media Would you use this on behalf of clients (or yourself)

  • Would you use this on behalf of clients (or yourself)

    Posted by casbac on May 21, 2024 at 3:47 am

    A platform where you can view brand/media comarketing/cobranding opportunities and pitch them proposals on behalf of your clients.

    An example of a co-marketing opportunity could be a photoshoot or an event asking for drinks to be sponsored or sent as door gifts in exchange for social media links, being photographed at the event etc

    If you represent lifestyle/consumer brands or even tech companies would love to hear your feedback! Any if you'd add any other offerings/services.

    Also would you be willing to subscribe to it?

    Freemium would give you 3 pitch opportunities per month but standard would give you 10 pitch opportunities for various partnerships.

    casbac replied 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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