Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media Why is Homophobia/Transphobia such a big joke in social media?

  • Why is Homophobia/Transphobia such a big joke in social media?

    Posted by RemoteFondant5994 on June 25, 2024 at 3:11 am

    I (14M and closeted) have recently seen a lot of videos that make fun of homosexuality and trans identities.

    For Example
    SpeedMcQueen and other content farms

    If you've been on YouTube Shorts or TikTok for any time at all you may be familiar with the "first to [basic motion] is gay" such as moving, blinking, scrolling .etc and this has led to happening in schools. I was in 6th grade English and some kid said "first to speak is gay" and I raised my hand and asked something to the teacher and the kid was pointing and laughing. This also leads to some people constantly being verbally stalked like numerous kids asking me "Do you like boys?, Are You Trans? Are You Gay?" also the famous "I Am Osama" Meme.

    The Meme consists of a picture of the LGBT Tower in Winnipeg, Canada with the parody then playing
    "I'm gonna fly some planes
    Into a couple buildings in Manhattan
    I'm I'm Osama
    Run tell Obama
    I'm your fucking uncle"
    Basically the Meme Insinuates repeating 9/11 but due to homosexuality.

    Another Example.

    The idea that heterosexuality and not being transgender makes you better than everyone else or as the kids say "makes you sigma 🗿"
    One of the videos shows the interview between a man wearing makeup and a young boy. The Young Boy says "Boys can't wear makeup" with the man replying "Who told you that?" With the kid saying the large plastic penguin in the background is the one who said it. The switching to a man making the Sigma face with "The Penguin:" above the man. Mainly Insinuating that being a boy and not wearing makeup is a powerful move.

    So my question for you guys is… Why is Homophobia and Transphobia trending and funny with the kids?…

    RemoteFondant5994 replied 10 hours, 3 minutes ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Muted_Item_8665

    June 25, 2024 at 3:20 am

    Kids learn what their parents believe. And while older people don’t make memes online, the kids can.

    Ex: Mum and Dad dislike gay/trans people. Mum and Dad say nothing publically/online about this because they don’t want to get fired from their jobs. Their kids hear about their homophobia at home, and because they can’t be punished for it, make memes mocking gay/trans people.

    Being a gay/trans kid/teen has improved in a lot of ways from decades before, but it’s also kind of always been a trend that homophobia is a common topic among young kids socially for as long as homophobia’s been around. Especially since kids are just learning about sexual identities on their own, they’re interested in that stuff or just learned there is something ‘other than straight’ and have opinions about it

  • Ok_Work_8116

    June 25, 2024 at 3:31 am

    It’s trending because the people who are trying to raise educated and well rounded children are sick and tired of having depravity and delusional ideologies shoved down their throats on a regular basis, simple as that. You can’t change your gender. You are born what you are. It’s in the chromosomes, end of story. Anyone telling you different is pandering to the mentally ill and unstable to further an agenda or feel like they are performing a good deed when they aren’t.

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