Forums Forums White Hat SEO What makes some people different?

  • What makes some people different?

    Posted by HouseOfBurns on June 28, 2024 at 2:11 am

    I feel like I see two different sides to the digital marketing world.

    On one hand, I see seasoned professionals getting laid off and then not finding work for two years or more.

    One person on linkedin made a big announcement that he's moving back in with his parents.

    On the other, there are people still thriving in this industry.

    I love this work so I am here to stay even if I have to adapt and constantly learn new skills.

    But why are some people basically phasing out and others are thriving and making six figures?

    HouseOfBurns replied 2 hours, 4 minutes ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • LikeATediousArgument

    June 28, 2024 at 2:39 am

    This is just life. Like that in every aspect. Some people give up. Some people just have a harder struggle. Other people just aren’t being honest.

    And some people are just chugging right along.

  • WebLinkr

    June 28, 2024 at 2:53 am

    So, many people think that they are good at SEO. I bet if you asked everyone in this forum – most would give themselves a medium to expert ranking. I also would guess that 90% would fail ten questions based on the SEO starter guide. Someone just started an argument with me that google ranks content based on freshness – this a completely amateur view. I would say less than 1% of the people in this forum are capable link builders. Link building is “fundamental” to SEO. The SEOs who are working on page titles thinking that this is where SEO is at are working on sites that already have authority. Anyone can do that.

    Secondly, running a business requires that you can market and sell your services. 50% of “SEO Experts” on twitter don’t even have a website. How is that possible?

    Of the 50% that do, less than 1% actually rank for anything to do with SEO….. How often have you looked at some of these SEO folks with 1m views on “advanced SEO strategies” and they have 12m views a video yet this – the largest SEO community on the web has only 300k people? Have you ever checked their website to see that they barely rank for anything?

    Its easy to be an SEO expert – you just copy+pasta it to your profile and you’re done.

    Setting up a company, easy.

    But building a reputation, delivering results, managing clients, and generating business. To be a 6-figure SEO consultant means you’re helping companies build $1m’s in revenue and valuations (for those of us who work with high-potential startups). you cant send them a report with 400 errors about Page titles saying ” we’ve a 99% score in Yoast” and expect to get paid after 3 months.

    SEO experts on twitter try to email, tweet, ping, hunt on Linkedin telling everyone they’re SEO experts – its pretty hard to sell in that environment.

    In a nutshell:

    1. Can’t sell

    2. Can’t market

    3. Can’t maintain clients/accounts

    4. Can’t actually do SEO

    Out of the 300k people here – I’d say less than 10% can do 1-4

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