Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media [WANT ADVICE] How to market a new real estate agent.

  • [WANT ADVICE] How to market a new real estate agent.

    Posted by seohelper on March 3, 2020 at 2:41 pm

    My old man recently changed careers and has become a real estate agent.

    His previous career was in TV news and spanned 30+ years which has meant he’s a fairly recognisable figure in Australia, at least certainly in Queensland.

    He’s fully qualified to work in real estate, but is struggling to obtain listings or sell his first property because he doesn’t have a track record and (in my opinion), people may still perceive him to be ‘the news guy’.

    I’ve been helping him out – I specialise in social media management/marketing, but have found this task challenging. He has enormous potential, I just don’t know how best to compliment all his work with my work on his socials.

    I would love to hear some suggestions or ideas that you think are worth investing/trying.

    If you’d like to look at what’s been done currently then shoot me a message and I’ll link you – I don’t want to self-promote and appear disingenuous.

    Thank you 🙂

    [deleted] replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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  • [deleted]

    March 4, 2020 at 8:23 am

    Some of the biggest real estate agents in NZ don’t have any online presence. If you have a skill, you have a skill. Whether or not you advertise it is another story.

    Also speaking from experience, he may not be a “Sales guy”. Some people have it and others don’t. I’m not trying to knock your father by saying he may not be the seller type because I used to work in car sales and I could switch off that mentality when I was out and about or at home. Some people can not switch off the sales mentality and make for terrible company (they never shut up, one-up everything, interrupt people, etc)

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