Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media On the job hunt- how to use twitter v. LinkedIn?

  • On the job hunt- how to use twitter v. LinkedIn?

    Posted by seohelper on February 20, 2020 at 5:45 pm

    Im a fairly experienced executive with a decent twitter and linkedin following, who recently left a very early stage startup that wasn’t working out for a variety of reasons.

    I want to go work for a further along company (Series A or later, 25+ employees, proven product market fit) and am not sure how to use Linkedin v. twitter in my job hunt.

    Any tips or frameworks of how you use one versus the other?

    entercerebrum replied 4 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • entercerebrum

    February 20, 2020 at 6:21 pm

    1) Frankly there is no framework other than the fact :- you need to create a very creative and innovative CV to respond to needs.
    2) In twitter you can actually go through various hashtags related to jobs or (local=place of your stay/preferred place of your work)jobs and respond to them!
    3) In LinkedIn I have seen many people follow couple of major trends:-
    a) They themselves write about who they are, what they do and How that helps companies and individuals in a semi long form post and get quite good traction.
    b) They also ask their friends to help them
    c) They follow companies (Page) where they think they can be potential employees and respond to contextual and relevant ads.
    d) They follow recruiters and mentors ( related to recruitment) and get loads of insights
    4) I would also suggest to go through quora ask relevant questions and get to know what kind of companies match your kind of requirement.
    5) Also Glassdoor is a good source of getting to know whats going on around in different industries and companies.
    4,and 5 you haven’t asked really. I just thought of adding them.
    Thanks and Happy job hunt.
    Best wishes.

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