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    Measuring performance in Google Video campaigns

    Posted by PPC_Princess on June 25, 2024 at 6:52 pm

    Hello, my issue is I am not convinced that the metrics provided in google are useful for assessing performance of a video and I am trying to wrap my mind around this conundrum.

    I have to assess the performance of many (ie: 100+) Google Video awareness campaigns (youtube) and am not seeing any metrics that, to me, offer a significant piece of information that lets me know if they performed well or not. These campaigns do not all have a click-thru link, their goal is awareness and many of them are optimized for views or thruplays. In my mind, these video campaigns are a necessary money sink to build brand awareness that can then be used to retarget audiences further down the funnel.

    My director wants to know which videos should be reused based on a simple Yay or Nay formula based on data. I have performed analyses based on CPM and other cost-related variables, as well as other analysis based on views, reach, engagement and clicks (though not all the videos have a clickable link). Especially in the unskippable formats, is there any way to assess performance across the board?+

    PPC_Princess replied 4 hours, 20 minutes ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Signal_Support_165

    June 25, 2024 at 8:41 pm

    I’m also trying to figure this out myself. Thankfully my director ultimately knows the end goal is audience building so i don’t really have to “justify” anything. I’m curious as to what other responses you get though!

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