Forums Forums White Hat SEO ”Lost” rankings in Semrush

  • ”Lost” rankings in Semrush

    Posted by SlimpaPimpa on June 19, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    I've been running a website for like 4 months now and it's been great so far.

    It's a blog site and I make posts about seo, offpage etc.

    All of the pages rank perfectly in google and they seem to be just fine.

    But for some reason, some of them seem to have ''lost'' their rankings completely when I use semrush position tracking. To double check, I just google the focus keyword or use other tools and indeed they do not appear.

    Yet, if I just google my site and do the classic intext they DO appear.

    I haven't received any manual actions mind you and my content is not made by an AI. I only use ai to slightly tweak very few parts of my content or to just find grammatical and syntax errors.

    I have to mention that both pages ranked for some 20ish kd keywords and were doing fine in the start.

    Like top 50 fine.

    Why all of a sudden they lose ALL rankings and not show in the top 100s??

    SlimpaPimpa replied 1 week, 2 days ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Grade_Twelve

    June 19, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    did you build backlinks to those ranking pages? or maybe you have recent indexing issues? Sometimes Semrush isn’t 100% accurate either!

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