Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media Looking for guidance on followers growth!

  • Looking for guidance on followers growth!

    Posted by Civil_University4673 on May 2, 2024 at 5:58 am

    Hello everyone,

    I have recently joined a company that deals with sexual health, and my responsibility is to increase their follower base on Instagram. However, despite working for a month, I haven't been able to achieve much success. I have tried running engagement ads, but they only give me reach and engagement on a particular post, but no new followers.

    If anyone has any experience in this field, can you please help me create a strategy to increase our Instagram followers?

    Also we are posting very good creative but still don't see the growth on term followers. Is it because meta don’t promote to keywords related to sexual content?

    Civil_University4673 replied 1 month, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • graces-taylor12

    May 2, 2024 at 9:20 pm

    Focus on educational and awareness content that doesn’t trigger Insta’s content filters. Content that educates and informs. Share tips, or answer common questions in a way that feels accessible and non-threatening. I’ve used Boost App Social to help create engaging posts and find the right hashtags that can reach more people.

    What about running a content series on sexual health myths? This can address common concerns and draw in followers seeking answers.

  • justcallmesaiko-

    May 5, 2024 at 5:46 am

    In general, social media marketing is a long-term marketing strategy and you aren’t going to see much results for the first three months. ” It might help to really focus on your video and caption hooks to draw people in. If you want to grow your follower count, you’re gonna want to product more “top-of-funnel” content. This is going to be video trends, trending audios, good hooks, and viral content. It will take time but no progress still teaches you something. Learn what isn’t working and adjust.

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