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  • How to enjoy social media again? For entrepreneurs.

    Posted by seohelper on March 3, 2020 at 2:12 pm

    I am an artist and I used to love social media and posting. Now I get really stressed out and usually avoid/procrastinate posting.

    I have had some serious things happen in my life (mom getting cancer twice, her having a major stroke and now she is getting crippled. Not to mention my own health issues and had major spinal surgery on my neck 2 yrs ago. And my Dad just passed in December. I have also been a caretaker for my mom for the most part. It seems like every time I try and get into a flow and start getting into some routine some serious life crisis happens like what I mentioned above. Then I stop making art and then my social media takes a hit (drop in engagement, loss of followers, etc) and then I feel defeated. It’s a horrible cycle.

    So how do I break it and get in the habit and also make social media fun again???

    [deleted] replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • JsnKaizer

    March 3, 2020 at 2:50 pm

    Continue making art without relying on their validation, likes/reacts. Just do it! For sure you will be happy and outcome will be better. 🙂

  • PurpleBrix

    March 3, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    I once read somewhere this is something that happens a lot to famous musicians or important athletes: after many years of using their passion as a career they start to lose interest.
    What seemed to have worked for some people in this situation is trying to “replicate” what they were doing when music/sport were just their hobby.

    For example, a famous rockstar might have started playing on a shitty guitar in the darkness of their own room just as a way to kill some time. All the popular soccer players used to be young kids who’d simply enjoy kick a ball somewhere random with their friends. No concerns about performance, or what other people will think.

    Try to go back to doing art for yourself. Don’t think about posting it, reachability, engaging or all of that stuff.
    Try to listen to yourself and what you *feel* like doing. I don’t know what kind of art you make, maybe you can try to explore other things that seem interesting to you but you never tried (doesn’t matter if it’s 3D animation or cake design, just follow your instinct). Don’t limit yourself and don’t do anything that makes you feel stressed.

    Also, you’ve been through a lot in the last few years, you may still be trying to figure out the person you are becoming. It’s fine if you need time for that.

  • [deleted]

    March 4, 2020 at 8:26 am

    start a blog or use deviant art.

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