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  • How I leveraged Instagram account followings to make money

    Posted by bugman345 on June 16, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    I have tried many strategies to make money in the past but this is the first that has worked for me: the plr affiliate method. (This is a long read so I apologise in advance)

    So first things first, what is PLR? I wasn’t sure either until January of this year when I stumbled across a video on YouTube. This is Private Label Rights, this means that essentially you buy the rights to sell something as your own and you keep all of the profits. This can be e-books and courses.

    This essentially was a lightbulb switch moment for me. I could get a finished product and sell it as my own and keep all of the profits. I tried creating content myself and created a shopify website and put my finished product ebook in my bio (YouTube any video on how to list a digital product on shopify). I then put the shopify link in my bio, this was not a success and I realised that I would have to think outside the box to make this work.

    I had another moment of inspiration, what if I was able to ask social media accounts with an established following to put the link in their bio and I would offer them a percentage of every sale they make (I offered a 50/50 cut). So for the next few days I grinded and sent direct messages and emails to Instagram and tiktok accounts, I mainly targeted accounts with large followings that did not have any links currently in their bio and I have had the greatest success with these accounts. I was able to create the affiliate programme on shopify using a plug called uppromote, there are many videos that explain how to set this up on YouTube.

    So why would accounts with large following agree to my proposal despite them supplying all of the following?

    The answer is simple, a lot of people have a great ability to create content, but perhaps do not have the business acumen or have the motivation to create a revenue stream themselves. This method provides them a easy solution to this problem.

    After a lot of grinding and a lot of messages I had gained clients and five months later I’m at the point where I have 31 affiliates selling my e books and courses in their bio. The total following of these accounts is 8.4 million followers across all platforms – a following I would not have been able to attain myself with my content creation skills.

    The numbers, what everyone is here for! This method has generated me $11,000 in profit since January (50% of sales went to affiliates so $22,000 revenue). Things started out slow but are picking up fast, last month has been particularly good, generating me $3,000 in profit from easy and passive income.

    Problems and issues I’ve encountered: understandingly so the accounts often want to see the product they are selling before they agree to be an affiliate for the product. I originally had a problem finding high quality products, I am not going to name the website I would recommend for those looking high quality plr on here as I received downvotes last time (I am not going to name it here as I was called a shill the other time I did this haha) but you can send a message to me and I can give you advice on where to look. This website offers a bundle which provides a wide array of high quality finished products that are from all sorts of niches. I have found other plr products that I have purchased to be of bad quality so it is important to find a good website.

    I’m sure you are wondering the following question: if you are making money off of this why are you sharing with us? The answer is simple, there are hundreds of thousands of social media accounts with large followings, this method is unsaturated and I figured it could help make someone else’s life a little easier financially.

    Why do I recommend this method? 1.) Once established this method is completely passive
    2.) You gain exposure to large followings that would take years to build.
    3.) relatively low set up costs. The bundle I recommend purchasing is $199 and shopify monthly payments are roughly $50 per month. There are no other costs incurred.
    4.) unlimited earnings potential. There’s no ceiling as to what you can earn. The more accounts that agree to become an affiliate for you the more you will make

    I hope you enjoyed the read , if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask them below.

    bugman345 replied 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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