Forums Forums White Hat SEO Social Media update email to Lifetime License Users.

  • update email to Lifetime License Users.

    Posted by ImperialTechShop on June 17, 2024 at 4:24 pm

    After paying for lifetime access and being blocked from the new platform, they are now providing access to the new platform, but it is limited. Originally, lifetime users were promised access to future updates and features. 'lifetime' Shame.


    Hey there,

    if you're getting this email that must mean you have a Lifetime account on the Old Platform.

    As you've probably also heard, Heropost has been undergoing some major changes and updates.

    We're writing this email in inform you how the major changes affect your Lifetime account on the Old Platform.

    This week, Heropost will migrate Old Platform users to the New Platform under the "Lifetime Plan"

    Lifetime Plan on New Platform will not include new features and social networks not previously available on Old Platform.

    Lifetime Plan on New Platform will have a limit of monthly posts set at 50 posts per month.

    *If you are one of the users that have already upgraded to the New Platform for an unlimited account, then no further action is needed from your side.
    Unlimited accounts on New Platform and the discounted price paid will remain applied forever, unless account is cancelled.

    NOTE: In 24 to 48 hours your account info will be transferred from Old Platform to New Platform.

    Heropost will notify Old Platform users when their account is ready on New Platform through email.

    Summary of Changes:

    ·         Pro Unlimited on the New Platform will become Heropost's Enterprise Level Plan with unlimited access and privileges to the new features and updates.

    New changes and increases to our pricing will only apply to new users that did not sign up for new platform before today.

    ·         Our prices for new users to access Pro Unlimited have now also increased to $98/month and $696/year.

    ·         Old platform "lifetime" users will be migrated to the new platform under the 'lifetime plan"

    NOTE: "Lifetime plan" on new platform will not include TitkTok, Google Business, X (twitter), Hero AI, and all new future updates on our roadmap – previously not already included on old platform.

    ·         Lifetime Plan will have a monthly post limit of 50 posts

    ·         Old platform will be taken down and depreciated 45 days from the date of this email.

    ·         No action necessary if you already have an unlimited monthly account on the New Platform.

    Please be sure to keep checking your email for further updates from Heropost.

    Thank you!


    ImperialTechShop replied 1 week, 1 day ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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