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  • Decoding Instagram Current Algorithm

    Posted by BaseballBig on May 21, 2024 at 4:32 am

    Once you understand how the algorithm works

    You will start creating better content. You know where your content is going. You will have a clear path on how you can achieve your goals.

    So this is how the Algorithm works.

    Once you publish a piece of content, it gets distributed to 25% of your followers and to a portion of people who are not your followers but whose interests align with the content.

    Then, the algorithm measures two things, watch time and engagement.

    If a person spends time watching the content it gets pushed to more people with similar interests otherwise, if the content doesn’t grab the viewer's attention it gets no boost.

    Also, if a person shares, saves, comments, or likes the published content the algorithm pushes the content to more viewers resulting in more reach and engagement from a broader audience.

    Let me know your thoughts

    BaseballBig replied 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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