Forums Forums White Hat SEO Advice needed: SEO tactics

  • Advice needed: SEO tactics

    Posted by Agreeable_Job1222 on June 10, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    Hello everyone, I recently joined a new company and current in charge of their website and SEO activities. Besides content and website optimization, is there any tricks or specific tactics that can help boost the organice traffic & users? It’s been 10% increase in comparison with last year but still. All we do is email marketing and write 10 articles monthly with backlinks approach. Appreciate the reply. Thank you.

    Agreeable_Job1222 replied 1 week, 5 days ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Louie-Ramos-SEO-Pro

    June 10, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    I am happy to give you advice but need more context.

  • Agreeable_Job1222

    June 10, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    We provide professional services for MNCs. It’s not niche but we’re based in Asia while the clients will be based in the US. Current source of traffic is Organic. The other is Email marketing in 2nd. Organic takes around 40% of the total traffic. What’s working is the articles and content, what’s alert is the organic traffic is decreasing 2-3% each month.

  • WebLinkr

    June 10, 2024 at 3:41 pm

    You need to build authority, rasie your visibility

    1. Partnerships
    2. PR, News
    3. Relationships
    4. Reviews
    5. Advertuising and growth of earned media channels

    Develop an SEO strategy that targets competitors, or competitor strawmen (i.e. unnamed, market averages)

    Keyword Research

    * Branded and Brand Influenced
    * Generic
    * Product
    * Adjacent
    * Informed
    * Awareness
    * Competitive
    * Pricing
    * Comparison Matrices
    * Case Studies

  • tsultan23

    June 10, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    SEO is research and implementation, Do research more, it depends on website behaviour.

  • curious_walnut

    June 10, 2024 at 5:41 pm

    Do you have previous experience or is this your first SEO position?

  • infinitetk

    June 11, 2024 at 12:14 am

    How good are you with keyword research? this is where everything starts. You need to understand competition analysis (this is different for sites in different phases). What that means is, if you’re a new company with a weakish link profile then you need to do more digging and identify keywords that you can rank for. The easiest way to do this is to look at other new/weak businesses in your niche, plug them into ahrefs/semrush and steal their top keywords. Find enough businesses and keep building a list of keywords they are ranking for in the top positions.

    When you have the keywords ready, plug each keyword in google and see what are the top results. You should start noticing a theme with all the articles that pop up. They’re answering a specific question, now you have to write an article that answers the same question but you need to do it better. Better does not mean longer (don’t fall for this trap), more comprehensive, detailed with the least amount of words possible. Structure your article in a way that it answers the search query upfront without any bs. Stay focused on topic.

    Once you have a bunch of articles, start interlinking wherever it makes sense. Make sure each article is receiving a couple links from other articles on your site.

    Finally, you need to acquire links. This is not going to be easy since there are a ton of options and your job is to analyze what links are worth going for. Obviously the big dogs such as MSN, Yahoo, Huffington post are always good links but they are expensive af. What you need to do is find relevant sites that would make sense linking out to you, then reach out to them. Put “PAID link on your site” in the subject and write a brief email asking what they would charge for a placement.

    If you do this right you’ll start seeing results in 90 days.

  • oddodigital

    June 11, 2024 at 3:31 am

    I would also go back to existing landing pages and articles that are ranking between positions 4 and 20 for their target keyword.

    This means Google likes the article but just not quite enough to reward them with high click driving visibility.

    See which competitors are ranking above you.

    Provide an analysis on why they might be beating you:

    – Title Tags
    – Headers
    – Copy
    – Rich Media
    – Internal Linking
    – Backlinks
    – User Experience / Site Speed

    Pull whatever levers you can to try and move up positions for those target keywords.

    I think companies get in the habit of only going for more new content when a blended approach will probably give you the best results.

    Do 5-6 new articles and 3-4 refreshes. Make sure they link to your money pages. Distribute them on other channels once they are repurposed.

    Figure out site wide and template deliverables that can make a difference. Make sure your organic pages are indexable. Redirect, NoIndex, or retire useless pages. Combine pages that are targeting the same keywords to make one stronger article instead of multiple URLs that never perform.

    Figure out the keywords -> Find out who is doing well -> beat them

    Brain dump but hopefully somewhat helpful!

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