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    Account Suspended Due to violating payment policy

    Posted by Liamvicky on June 22, 2024 at 8:17 am

    Hi, I need help to rectify this issue. I've been trying to resolve it for the past week.

    Last week, I created an account for my client, who is a real estate broker in the US, while I was residing in India. While trying to execute a campaign, I added the client's credit card information to Google Ads. After that, the account was suspended immediately. When I tried to resolve it, I made an appeal, but that was not enough to solve the issue.

    My call with an expert is scheduled for next week to resolve it. However, I want to know if anyone has faced this issue and how to resolve it on their own.

    Your answer is much appreciated.

    Liamvicky replied 1 day, 2 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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