Forums Forums White Hat SEO You have a list of 10,000 possible backlink targets, how would you start sorting them out? Reply To: You have a list of 10,000 possible backlink targets, how would you start sorting them out?

  • arkitector

    August 15, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Plug in the URLs into the Ahrefs Batch Analysis tool. You can insert up to 200 URLs at a time, so you’ll have to do this about 50 times. Export each of those batches and start compiling them into a single spreadsheet where you can sort by DR (domain rating).

    Once this phase is done, identify URLs that have a DR of 70+ and use a tool such as []( to find relevant contact information.

    Once this DR 70+ batch is done, start going after the lower DRs.

    The key here is to prioritize the higher DR websites first, which may even mean writing completely custom outreach emails. You have more to lose by writing a poor outreach email to a high DR site, so it’s best to spend some time coming up with the right pitch.

    You can come up with a templated email for the lower DR sites, but obviously still make sure it’s written with quality.