Forums Forums White Hat SEO In what ways does a meta description have to relate to the content on-page?

  • In what ways does a meta description have to relate to the content on-page?

    Posted by seohelper on March 6, 2020 at 1:38 am

    If I had 1000 pages of content, and all of them had 100% unique meta descriptions such as…

    Example 2:

    “Are you looking for a (service) in your (area)? Contact us today for easy consultation!”

    Example 1:

    “Have you been looking for a (service) in your (area)? Contact us today for a no-hassle appointment!”

    The variance between the meta descriptions are their openings, keywords (services)&(areas), and their closings. The service and area keywords are mentioned on-page inside the content as well, and the page is generally talking about the same category of topic such as…

    Page Title: “The craziest Fast Food in LA”

    The meta description would mention the same keywords that are listed under (service)/(area) within the page itself.

    How would this effect SEO negatively on a large scale, assuming I have 1000 pages with randomized openings and closings, and unique matching on-page keywords?

    None of the Meta Descriptions would be 100% duplicate.

    Any opinions are appreciated.

    OneStepFromHell43 replied 4 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • OneStepFromHell43

    March 6, 2020 at 2:25 am

    Not much of an effect…Meta is “not” a ranking factor but it influences click through rate. if your meta is related to the content and fits the intent of the user I dont see anything but good rewards for this

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