Forums Forums White Hat SEO PPC How can I ensure correct Google Ads conversion attribution is working if a user is retargeted on Facebook and purchases?

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    How can I ensure correct Google Ads conversion attribution is working if a user is retargeted on Facebook and purchases?

    Posted by seohelper on July 3, 2020 at 1:43 pm

    I work on commission and set up google ads for several clients, but the google ad conversions aren’t impressive while facebook conversions have suddenly increased once I turned on Google ads. I’m pretty certain users are clicking the google ads then converting later on Facebook. Any suggestions on how to dive into the conversion data?

    pizzacentral replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • dialecticalalchemist

    July 3, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    First Click Attribution Model?

  • rhino2811

    July 3, 2020 at 2:07 pm

    I’m still very new to Google Ads so correct me if I’m mistaken, but wouldn’t the Multi-Channel Funnels section give you info on the touchpoints by channel, given that your FB ads have the correct UTM ?

  • Viper2014

    July 3, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    check if the conversions are recording [use tag assistant]

    then have a look at analytics [assisted conversions]

    if possible enable the attribution project [beta in google analytics]


    Have fun

  • MisterMarcoo

    July 3, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    I would first of all check in Google Analytics if people first came to your site using Google Ads, only to leave and return later via Facebook.
    Second, I understand you had Facebook ads first right? Is this retargeting? Because maybe you just didnt have that many visitors. Now that you use GAds your visitor rate went up and so is your retargeting on FB. In that case it would make sense to say your FB drives more conversions, since your retargeting audiences went up.
    Third: it all has to do with attribution. How is your avg conversion path? Do people normally convert in 1 visit? Or do they take longer then that?

    I once had a client and we did Google Ads, while a competitor did Facebook Ads. We both attributed the same conversion to our own work. But the FB company did retargeting. So I told the client they have to figure out what is more important. Our first intentional search from the user or the retargeting from the competitor? Because we hunted for new people, while they only targeted our traffic. They had a very pricy product, so people just didnt buy it in 1 visit/1day. The user needs to think well before purchase. Logically, those people were retargeted on FB. Luckily for us, the client decided it was our conversion haha.

  • katt182

    July 3, 2020 at 2:43 pm

    What’s the nature of your ads on Facebook? Are they all retargeting ads, or have you got some TOFU ads running as well? Because, if TOFU ads went out at the same time, then they could very well be sparking the retargeting ads. Especially, if it’s a social funnel?

    Ideally, the best way to get to the bottom of this would be with a multi-channel attribution solution. You can track your visitor’s on an individual level over multiple touchpoints so that you can measure and attribute value accurately across the entire sales cycle. You can prove that your ads inspired those conversions on Facebook and played a crucial part in your customer journey. If you’ve got the resource available, I’d give Ruler Analytics a try. It’s a multi-touch solution that tracks your anonymous visitors over multiple sessions. When a visitor closes into a lead, their details are matched up with their marketing touch points. If, or when, this lead closes into a sale, Ruler sends that revenue data to the marketing touchpoints involved in that specific journey. Basically, allowing you to measure performance on monetary values instead of conversions. It also does offline conversion tracking, so you could even attribute phone call revenue to your ads if you wanted too.

    Just out of curiosity, what is the objective of your ads?

  • pizzacentral

    July 3, 2020 at 4:08 pm

    Fb by default attribution is 7 day click and 1 day view. Impr bases attribution is non sense on fb. You have to change that to just click based. Good thing you are charging commission and not paying it. Just use google analytics to track your conversions, use utm with fb. I am assuming your google ads is linked to GA. Finally, you should have all data last click deduplicated in GA.

  • incrementality

    July 3, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    Is it possible to run something like a matched market experiment? If you have the ability to identify several highly correlated cities that have similar trends of increased FB conversions when GAds is turned on, try pausing the GAds campaigns in half of those cities and observe whether there is a significant difference in FB conversions between cities that have paused GAds vs. cities that still have live GAds.

  • tech-mktg

    July 4, 2020 at 4:29 am

    If you’re importing google ads conversions from GA, I’d switch to tracking them directly via a google ads script. Importing from GA may only track last click conversions, tracking directly in Google Ads will capture conversions even if they are Facebook ad clicks after the Google Ads clicks.

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